Geodynamics Science Highlight
NASA GSFC Geodynamics 921


Geodynamics Branch, Code 921

March 2004

Code 921 Well Represented at Lunar and Planetary Science Conference

Geodynamics Branch Contributes to 14 Papers at 35th Annual Meeting

35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference

The Lunar and Planetary Science Conference is the major annual meeting for this large and growing community. The Geodynamics Branch contributed a large number of oral and poster papers to this year's meeting, both as authors and co-authors. Of particular note were the many contributions by students mentored by Geodynamics personnel. Papers are listed alphabetically below. Bold indicates 921 personnel (including students who worked at Goddard). Numbers in brackets refer to program abstract CD. Companion highlight describes the student affiliations and their mentors.

Bills, B.G. and F. Nimmo, How does Titan retain a finite orbital eccentricity? [1341]

Buczkowski, D.L., H.V. Frey, J.H. Roark and G.E. McGill, topographic analysis of Quasi-circular Depressions around the Utopia Basin, Mars [1150]

Chadwick, D.J., S.S. Hughes and S.E.H. Sakimoto, Deflections in lava flow directions relative to topography in the Tharsis region: indicators of post-flow tectonic motion [2019]

Crown, D.A., L.F. Bleamaster III and S.C. Mest, Geologic evolution of Dao Vallis, Mars [1185]

Frey, E.L., S.E.H. Sakimoto and H.V. Frey, A preliminary relationship between the depth of martian gullies and the abundance of hydrogen on near-surface Mars [1977]

Frey, H.V., Distribution of large visible and buried impact basins on Mars: Comparison with free-air gravity, crustal thickness and magnetization models [1384]

Frey, H.V., A timescale for major events in early Mars crustal evolution [1382]

Hughes, S.S., S.E.H. Sakimoto, others and S.L. Weren, Topographic evidence for eruptive style changes and magma evolution of small plains-style volcanoes on Earth and Mars [ 2123]

Mest, S.C. and D.A. Crown, Morphologic and morphometric analyses of fluvial systems in the southern highlands of Mars [1844]

Neumann, G.A., B.G. Bills, D.E. Smith and M.T. Zuber, Refinement of Phobos ephemeris using Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter radiometry [1820]

Roark, J.H., C.M. Masuoka and H.V. Frey, GRIDVIEW: recent improvements in research and education software for exploring Mars topography [1833]

Stern, J.G. and H.V. Frey, water indicators in SirenumTerra and around the Argyre impact basin, Mars [1604]

Sakimoto, S.E.H. and T.K.P. Gregg, Cerberus Fossae and Elysium Planitia lavas, Mars: source vents, flow rates, edifice styles and water interactions[1851]

Weren, S.L., S.E.H. Sakimoto, S.S. Hughes and T.K.P. Gregg, Comparison of plains volcanism in the Tempe terra region of Mars to the Eastern Snake River Plains, Idaho with implications for geochemical constraints [2090]

Contact: Herbert Frey, Code 921,

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Responsible NASA official: Dr. Herbert Frey

This page maintained by Jim Roark (SSAI)
Last modified on May 4, 2004