Shuttle Laser Altimeter 1
Shuttle Laser Altimeter
Chief Scientist James Garvin
A research article about SLA-01 results has been
submitted to the journal NATURE.
The SLA Science team consists of Jim Garvin, David Harding,
J. Bryan Blair, Jack Bufton (also Instrument Manager), James
Frawley (scientific visualizations), David Rabine, James Roark,
and Scott Luthcke and David Rowlands (Precision Orbit Determination).

SLA-01 Mission Summary

SLA-01 Total Ground Track Coverage

Currently Processed Data
SLA-01 SDP V2 Surface Returns

STS-72 Shuttle Mission Summary

Responsible NASA official: David Harding
Web Curator: Jim Roark (SSAI)
Email with comments or suggestions
Last modified December 13, 1999