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Observatory data from stations around the world can be obtained from CD: NGDC001 supplied by NGDC, Boulder, CO, entitled ``Solar Variability Affecting Earth 05-1''. Annual means are computed on the half year. If the full year of data is not available, the averages are computed for the partial year. The original annual mean and hourly data from the data center is processed to standardize station names and spellings as well as mark changes in station operation (ie new location, change of equipment) with a ``station break". These breaks take the form of a Roman numeral added to the name to signify that certain years of station operation should be handled separately. Years that vary widely from the general trend of the station are typically denoted as ``outliers". These points are either deleted from the data or their quality code changed to signify these points as undesirable.

Joy Conrad
Thu Mar 13 13:58:49 EST 1997