Magnetic Petrology Database
Satellite Lithospheric Magnetic Anomalies

Pogo, Magsat, and Oersted satellites consistently recorded major lithospheric magnetic anomalies. The map below shows major lithospheric satellite magnetic anomalies over the continents and the oceans identified by Pogo and Magsat data. Relatively low altitude geomagnetic satellite missions are now seriously planned by different countries. Of direct importance is the German mission CHAMP because it will spend some time at the altitude 250 km. It is expected that these missions will provide satellite lithospheric anomalies maps with better spatial and amplitude resolution. There will be the increasing demand for more realistic interpretation of these anomalies and more increased demand for lower crustal magnetic petrology data for continental and oceanic lithosphere. Relational Magnetic Petrology Database for interpretation satellite magnetic anomalies is under development and will include the following datasets.

Satellite lithospheric Magnetic Anomalies


Magnetic Petrology Datasets

Lower Crustal and Mantle Xenoliths


Serpentinized Upper Mantle rocks   (about 200 records)

Voronezh Bulge  (Kursk Magnetic anomaly)

Ukranian Shield

Arunta Block dataset  (South Australia)

Fennoscandian dataset

Kola Deep Dataset  (Kola Deep)

Oceanic rocks dataset(basalts,gabbro,serpentinites)

Oceanic Serpentinites  (15-20 Fracture Zone)

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