The first part of the conference was held in Moscow during October 29-31 at the Vernadsky State Geological Museum and was focused on general problems of tectonics, such as Mid-Oceanic Ridges, Ophiolites, Earth Dynamics, Mantle Plums, Active and Passive Continental Margins, Collision Belts, Transform Faults and Triple Junctions. In addition on October 29 a one-day workshop on "Tectonics of the Sea of Okhotsk Region and Kamchatka was offered.
The second part of the conference was held in St-Petersbourg on November 1-3 and was focused on the Geology and Tectonics of Polar Regions of the Earth and included the following sessions: Deep-Sea Basins, Oceanic Ridges and Rises of the Arctic Ocean, Circum-Arctic Continental Margins,Circum-Arctic Continental Crust, Oil and Gas Potential of the Arctic, Arctic Metallogeny, Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, Polar Regions Environment. Also workshop in the memory of Sergei Maschenkov was held by the Russian Branch of the InterRidge Project.
Katherine Nazarova attended the conference in Moscow and St-Petersbourg and gave an oral paper "Tectonics from Satellite Magnetic Measurements" and poster papers "Magnetic Petrology of Serpentinized Ultramafic Rocks. Implications for Plate Tectonics" (authors K.Nazarova, P Wasilewski) and "A Digital Tectonic Activity Map of the Earth: Polar Perspective" (authors P.Lowman, J.Yates, K.Nazarova). Also a poster for S.Cohen and J.Sauber "Crustal Deformation in the Region of the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake was given. These papers generated a great deal of interest.
This Conference had about 300 attendees mostly from Russia and Eastern Europe but also some from the US, Germany, Sweden, Norway. 250 papers were presented and there were excellent papers on Plate Tectonics studies by various Russian Institutions and expeditions. Program and abstracts of Conference are available from Geomagnetic Group.
Moscow Vernadsky State Geological Museum
Presentation of poster " A Digital Tectonic Activity Map(DTAM) of the Earth: Polar Perspective"
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Web Curator: Katia Nazarova (Raytheon)
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Last modified on November 27, 2001