This chapter lists the location and format for the major datasets in the Geomagnetic Library. Several of the datasets were specially selected and prepared for use in main field modeling. Two of these in particular are the Spline series of models and the Solar Quiet (Sq) series of models. Information concerning the Spline models, denoted GSFC(S95-xx), can be the found on CD: SURVEYPROJ1 and in the article Sabaka et al., 1996. This article also contains detailed information on the formation of the datasets used in the model creation. Information concerning the Sq models can be found in Section 3.6 and on CD: SQOBS001 and CD: SQOBS002. All known formats for all listed datasets are assigned keywords. A list of these keywords as well as the complete data format associated with each keyword can be found in Chapter 4.
In some cases the type of the data is also listed. Vector is defined as data with X (north) and Y (east) and Z (down) components (or suitable D (declination), I (inclination), H (horizontal intensity), B (total intensity) combinations to produce all three X, Y, Z). Non-vector data contains component data, but not enough to resolve X, Y, and Z. Scalar data contains measured B data only.
The naming convention of the Original and Processed datasets are based on the name of the cartridge from which they were copied. These cartridges were named according to data type and indicated level of processing as follows:
DATA TYPE ORIGINAL PROCESSEDObservatory SU0000 - SU0499 SU0500 - SU0999
Surface Survey SU1000 - SU1499 SU1500 - SU1999
Aeromagnetic SU2000 - SU2499 SU2500 - SU2999
Marine SU3000 - SU3499 SU3500 - SU3999
Repeat SU4000 - SU4499 SU4500 - SU4999
Satellite SU5000 - SU5499 SU5500 - SU5999
Programs SU9000 - SU9999
The naming convention of the Project datasets are based on the style outlined in Chapter 4.