Zack at SLA-02
Working hard for the SLA-02 Mission

Future SLA scientist Zachary Garvin is featured in
this photograph taken from the POCC during the
SLA-02 spaceflight. Zack is busy talking with
Operations Director A. J. Alfonzo about an upcoming
SLA-02 medium rate pass. Zack's involvement in the flight
of SLA is a further example of Outreach to the
toddler generation which was pursued by the SLA team.
Zack was worried that one of his father's favored
SLA passes over Kamchatka might have been cut short
by antenna switchovers and he was busily engaged in
helping Dad preserve this valuable data. Other
children were involved with SLA in both inspirational
and operational modes, including Kelsey Harding.

Responsible NASA official: James Garvin
Web Curator: Jim Roark (SSAI)
Email with comments or suggestions
Last modified September 10, 1997