SDP v2 Data Download Instructions

- To download a SDP v2 distribution file simply click on the "GO TO FTP" button, for the desired file, in the data distribution matrix.
- To automatically enable the "SAVE AS" dialog box, first ensure the .dat file extension is recognizable through your local browser menu.
- Do this by choosing "Options/General Preferences" through the browser menu.
- Click "Helpers" to view the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Configuration Files.
- Click "New.." to add a new MIME..
--- Description = "binary"
--- Type = "binary"
--- Suffix = "dat"
--- Click "Unknown:PromptUser, then OK..
If the .dat file extension is NOT recognized by the local browser, hexidecimal characters will appear in the window. Choose "Save As" under "FILE" to select file name and location on your local disk. If you hold down the CTRL key
while choosing "SAVE AS" the hexidecimal characters will also be suppressed.

Responsible NASA official: David Harding
Technical Contact: Scott B. Luthcke
Webpage Developer: Shelley C. Rowton
Email with comments or suggestions
Last modified November 25, 1996