Below is a collection of miscellaneous images I have made over the last year while working on RASCAL data processing. Contact me if you would like to get a hold of the original data that these images were derived from, or any other miscellaneous question you may have.

There are several forms of these images, below you will find tables with smaller images of the main image. You can scroll down the page and find the type of image that you are looking for, they are seperated into the following sections:

  • Shaded Surface
  • Downlooking Shaded Surface
  • Contour Maps
  • Color as Elevation

    Click on the image itself to see the full size image, and get a very brief description.
    (To be somewhat modem friendly, all images are .JPG's where it helped and are on average 50k in length)

    -= Shaded Surface =-
    shaded surface image shaded surface image shaded surface image
          Long Valley Dam     
          Dryden  Hangars     
            Oil Complex       
    68,855 bytes 19,373 bytes 47,246 bytes
    shaded surface image shaded surface image shaded surface image
    59,891 bytes 90,708 bytes 87,884 bytes
    Wheeler Ridge Pump Station
     Wheeler Ridge Segment #1 
     Wheeler Ridge Segment #2 

    -= Downlooking Shaded Surface =-
    shaded surface image shaded surface image shaded surface image
    Wheeler Ridge Pump Station
          Dryden  Hangars     
    Obsidian Dome Long Valley 
    65,041 bytes 33,673 bytes 47,163 bytes
    shaded surface image shaded surface image
    Wheeler Ridge 240.87 Long.
    Wheeler Ridge 240.88 Long.
    Wheeler Ridge 240.93 Long.
    41,247 bytes 43,453 bytes 46,909 bytes

    -= Contour Maps =-
    contour map Need to
           Dryden Hangars     
    33,283 bytes 0 bytes 0 bytes

    -= Color as Elevation =-
    color elevation map color elevation map color elevation map
          Long Valley Dam      
        Obsidian Dome - All    
    North Point  (Poplar Isl.) 
    46,779 bytes 30,960 bytes 78,461 bytes

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