# # plate3a.gmt on snooks in induced+remanence_model directory # Alternate version of Plate 3 # # A global magnetization map (corrected using SEMM approach) # # For manuscript 'Global lithospheric magnetization models validated # and refined using new satellite observations' # # Show the long-wavelength (continent-ocean contrast) in color # and the short-wavelength magnetizations (seafloor spreading) # as a gray scale shaded relief map # /bin/awk '{print $2, $1, $12; }' icosfid2.f2c_namod_wrem >t5 blockmean t5 -I2.5/2.5 -L -R0/360/-90/90 >tf1mean.xyz surface tf1mean.xyz -Gtf1mean.grd -I2.5 -R0/360/-90/90 grdsample tf1mean.grd -Gtf1mean_oneq.grd -I0.5 -R0/360/-90/90 # blockmean orsted_semm_delintmag.xyz -: -I5/5 -L -R0/360/-90/90 >tf2mean.xyz surface tf2mean.xyz -Gtf2mean.grd -I5 -R0/360/-90/90 grdsample tf2mean.grd -Gtf2mean_oneq.grd -I0.5 -R0/360/-90/90 # grdmath tf1mean_oneq.grd Mag12_4.00_dec_av.grd ADD = total_mag1.grd grdmath total_mag1.grd tf2mean_oneq.grd ADD = total_mag2.grd grdgradient total_mag2.grd -A120/30 -Nt -Lg -Gtotal_mag_grad.grd # grd2cpt total_mag2.grd -Crainbow >mag_temp.cpt grdimage total_mag2.grd -JG270/30/7i -Cplate3a.cpt -R0/360/-90/90 -Y1i \ -Bg30/g15 -E300 -K -X2i -Itotal_mag_grad.grd > plate3a.ps pscoast -R0/360/-90/90 -JG270/30/7i -Bg30/g15 -Dc -O -K -W5 \ -A2000 -P >> plate3a.ps psscale -Cplate3a.cpt -D3.5/-0.2/5/0.3h -O -L -B::/:"kA": >> plate3.ps # rm tf1mean.xyz rm tf1mean.grd rm tf1mean_oneq.grd rm t5 rm tf2mean.xyz rm tf2mean.grd rm tf2mean_oneq.grd rm total_mag1.grd rm total_mag2.grd