Magnetic properties Experiment on Mars Pathfinder Lander

Mars Pathfinder Lander (MPL) carried an instrument package called the Magnetic Properties Experiment. The main goal was to define the  saturation magnetization of the particles sticking to the various magnets on Mars and if possible  to identify minerals responsible for the magnetization of the dust. The fact  that four of magnets have captured dust  required that the collected particles have an average saturation magnetization (Is) of about 4 Am*2/kg. Considering that   material on magnet 4 may have Is= 20 Am*2/kg  (see fig below) Pederson et al (1998) concluded that maghemite (it's Is=70Am*2/kg) could be responsible for such high magnetization. Apparently microscopic hematite with Is=0.4Am*2/kg can not be responsible for the magnetization of the airborne dust.

Martian Magnetic Properties Experiment


Magnetization curves for bulk sample and for dust on magnets 2 and 4. The saturation magnetization  of bulk sample, dust on magnet 2 and dust on magnet 4 = 5Am*2/kg, 10Am*2/kg, and 17Am*2/kg correspondingly (Pederson et al, 1998)

Hysteresis Curves for Martian Dust


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