A new magnetic map of Mars: Programs, data, and maps

based on a paper published in Geophysical Research Letters, v. 27, pp. 2449-2552, Aug. 15, 2000

An altitude-normalized magnetic map of Mars and its interpretation (Postscript file)

An altitude-normalized magnetic map of Mars and its interpretation (Acrobat file)

Br magnetic field values (nT) at 200 km as xyz file (modified Aug 14, 2000, see 'Corrections, additions, and changes' below)

Topographic grid of Mars as GMT grd file

Color table for magnetic map

GMT program for producing collocated magnetic and topographic map (Plate 1 of Purucker et al., An altitude-normalized magnetic map of Mars and its interpretation, Geophysical Research Letters, 2000)

Program for calculating Br magnetic field values from equivalent source dipoles (Fortran) (Modified Aug 14, 2000, see 'Corrections, Additions, and Changes' below)

Equivalent source dipoles used to produce map in paper (longitude, latitude, magnetization (A/m), magnetization direction)

An enhanced set of equivalent source dipoles (longitude, latitude, magnetization (A/m), magnetization direction) made using both low altitude data and night-time high altitude data

A program for calculating the radial, theta, and phi components of the magnetic field using the enhanced set of equivalent source dipoles. The program compares these predictions of the magnetic field with profile observations from the UCLA PDF web site. The profile observations are assumed to be in Planetocentric coordinates.

Fortran program output listing from equivalent source inversion program

Combined SPO and AB magnetic field data from Mars Global Surveyor

SPO magnetic field data from Mars Global Surveyor

AB magnetic field data from Mars Global Surveyor

SPO and night time mapping orbit data through 8-24-99

Mars Global Surveyor MAG/ER Home Page

Accumulation of matrices and vectors necessary for equivalent source inversion (Fortran program)

Equivalent source inversion (Fortran program)(Modified Aug. 14, 2000, see 'Corrections, Additions, and Changes')

Program for establishing spherical tesselation (Fortran)

Spherical tesselation used by equivalent source inversion

Terrestrial and Martian magnetic fields compared (20 Mb Postscript file)

Terrestrial and Martian magnetic fields of lithospheric origin compared

Comparison of terrestrial and Martian magnetic fields

Magnetic fields, their sources, and the satellites that measure those fields: A comparison of Earth and Mars

Magnetic fields, their sources, and the satellites that measure those fields: A comparison of Earth and Mars

Corrections, additions, or changes should be sent to Michael Purucker at purucker@geomag.gsfc.nasa.gov

Corrections, additions, and changes

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Last updated on 10 May 2004