A global induced and remanent magnetization model: Programs, data, and maps

August 1, 2002 GRL Cover preview

Global magnetization model

Preprint of manuscript: The southern edge of cratonic North America: Evidence from new satellite magnetometer observations, Geophy.Res.Lett.

Starting global model of induced magnetization

Program to calculate total field from induced magnetization model

Global model (in GMT grid format) of oceanic remanent magnetization (Dyment and Arkani-Hamed, JGR, 1998: Model 2)

Global model (in GMT grid format) of total field from oceanic remanent magnetization model (Dyment and Arkani-Hamed, JGR, 1998: Model 2)

Oersted field model (Degree 29)

Magsat field model [Cain et al., 1990]

GMT script that produces Figure 1 [Purucker et al., 2002, GRL]

Modifications to induced magnetization model in eastern North America to take into account gravity and geology.

Modifications to magnetization model to take into account misfit between observation and model (Accumulation of design matrix).

Modifications to magnetization model to take into account misfit between observation and model (Iterative solution: Conjugate gradient, Sparse matrix).

Modifications to magnetization model to take into account misfit between observation and model (Magnetization solution).

GMT script that produces Figure 2 [Purucker et al., 2002, GRL]

GMT script that produces Figure 3 [Purucker et al., 2002, GRL]

Corrections, additions, or changes should be sent to Michael Purucker at purucker@geomag.gsfc.nasa.gov

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Last updated on Oct. 18, 2002